Reiki is an ancient hands on healing technique. This weekend intensive course attunes the student to be able to receive the universal energy as well as teaches how and when to use it. A fantastic course that empowers you to live the life you were born to live. Comprehensive manual included.

The initial level i attunement has the individual open up to the Reiki energy, often instigating profound life shifts. This occurs over a weekend intensive course and after receiving four attunements.

The second level has more of an impact on the ability to amplify and send the energy across distance and time. This course is for those who wish to continue their journey as a healer. Level ii offers you the opportunity to increase your healing abilities as well as send the energies across distance, allowing for remote healing. You will be taught the sacred symbols of Reiki and given a cohesive manual after completion.

Once a practitioner has completed their level i and ii they can continue on if they choose, and study their Masters Degree. At the Master level the practitioner is now able to teach and attune their own students.

For enquiries regarding studying Reiki level i, ii or Master CLICK HERE